Busi Jacobsohn

Meet the Family Behind Busi Jacobsohn Wines

Busi Jacobsohn
Busi Jacobsohn
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Busi Jacobsohn is a family-run single estate vineyard located in the charming and beautiful High Weald of Sussex. Spanning five hectares and overlooking a sprawling rural landscape of luscious greenery and rich foliage, the vineyard takes the best of nature and turns it into beautiful sparkling wines under the care of the Jacobsohn family.

But who are the Jacobsohn family? And what do we know about wine?

We are originally from Sweden, though our heritage spans the warm climes of the Mediterranean. In 2011, the four of us – Douglas, Susanna, and our two sons Tom and Charles – settled in England. We have always been wine lovers and for a long time we dreamed of retiring to a village in Italy to run our own vineyard – but while in England we fell in love with the English winemaking culture, and discovered that the conditions here were perfect for making our own sparkling wines.

Our love of Italian wine is honoured through the name of our brand; the name Busi comes from a small village in the Piemonte, an Italian region known for its wonderful wines. We love learning more about wine, vineyard work and viticulture, and have an endless thirst for more knowledge and expertise. We have attended many classes and courses at the nearby Plumpton College to keep our knowledge up to date, and we lovingly take part in all stages of the winemaking process ourselves, as well as personally inspecting the vines each day.

We’re big nature lovers, and we love that the vineyard is a beautiful rich ecosystem for wildlife and plants. Our respect for nature is seen in our terroir-driven style – we work with what nature and the soil gives us, rather than trying to create a recipe or a house style.

We can’t wait to share our ongoing viticulture journey with you and we’d love to welcome you to the Busi Jacobsohn vineyard to see our work for yourself!